Many of my readers are wondering when Medscape Mobile is coming to Android. Several rumors suggested that it might get released before the end of the year, but my gut tells me that it's coming out in the first quarter of 2011.
In the meanwhile, here are a few of the updated features you'll find on Medscape Mobile for iPhone:
New Feature! Tables & Protocols
- Complete set of ACLS/PALS/NALS Protocols
- HIV Post Exposure Prophylaxis & Treatment Regimens
- Adult & Pediatric Vaccination Tables
- Over 80 essential tables & protocols available
New! Drug Reference Updates
Now 7,000+ drugs, herbals and supplements
- 1,900+ drug monographs updated with additional clinical information including new indications, brand & cost updates, and more
New! Disease & Condition Reference Updates
Now 4,000+ clinical reference articles (w/images & procedure videos)
- 425+ reference articles now updated with additional clinical information including expanded treatment and medication info, and more
- 60+ new reference articles added including Mitral Valvuloplasty, Hospital Acquired Infections, Breast Imaging – Fibroadenoma, Fractional Flow Reserve Measurement, Arteries to Brain and Meninges, and more
Waiting very eagerly for the Medscape mobile for Android. Hope it comes out before the end of December.