Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Does your smartphone compromise your privacy?

Do you ever stop to think about how much information your smartphone has about you? Let’s suppose that you perform frequent searches for “HIV” and “AIDS” on your mobile device. Furthermore, suppose you’re frequently using Google Maps and other mapping software to look for the nearest HIV treatment center in your area. Can anyone tap into this information that is on your mobile device?

When people download and install a mobile app, they’re not reading the lengthy disclaimer that describes the privacy policy around that app. Moreover, many mobile apps are developed in other countries that have different privacy laws so those app developers may neglect privacy laws that are relevant here in the United States.

So, what does this say about smartphones and our privacy? People are spending more time on their mobile devices than ever before. These devices are capturing and collecting a ton of information about who we are. Geolocation and built-in GPS features are also collecting information about your location.

1 comment:

  1. Most smartphone apps provide no protection of PHI data. One of the reasons is the users are not aware of the issue and the other is that they are not willing to pay for the security. All of our smartphone app products (motionPHR) encrypt all Protected Health Information to the limits of the law.

    There is a lot of concern about security but like most things there is a cost. Patients must be willing to bare some of the responsibility. Patient-centric care does come with a price-tag.
    Jeff Brandt
